Metal Jacketed Gaskets

consist of a metal cover and a soft sealing materials filler. The sealing filler provides outstanding resilience, while the metal jacket guarantees excellent sealing and protects the filler against pressure conditions, fluctuating temperatures and corrosion.

Metal jacketed gaskets are manufactured by specialist, they used in heat exchanger, pumps, autoclaves, engines, valves and exhaust system. Metal jacketed gaskets require machined flange faces, high bolt loads and exact flange alignment to ensure an effective seal.

There are two types of metal jacketed gaskets:

  1. One-piece construction MJ(Metal jacketed) gasket.
  2. Welded construction MJ gasket.

Weld-in bar exchanger gasket offer some benefit over one-piece gasketEd with integral bars:

Lower price- typical cost, saving 10% to 40% (depend on material).
Quicker delivery – less time to manufacture.
Technically supervisor and safer- extra sealing safeguards- a better gasket.
Longer sealing life- bars seal independently of the outer ring.
New and higher standard of technical quality.

Technical and sealing advantages of welded gasket over one-piece gasket:

  • Two continuous outer ring seams- the bar and outer ring are independent sealing elements. Any leakage across the bars is contained by the outer ring inner continuous seam. Leakage across one-piece gasket pass bars allows media to by-pass the inner seam and invade the outer ring.
  • Spot weld fillets join the pass-bars to the outer ring. The prime weakness of the one-piece construction is the tight radii (13mm to 12mm) between the outer ring and bars. The seams of radii tend to develop microscopic cracks and high spot during the working and forming of the radii seams. The high spots lead to uneven seating stresses around the radii allowing the sealed media to leak across the inner seam. The weld-in construction avoid the these problem.
  • Consistent high quality build. The one-piece construction relies heavily on “operator skill” to manufacturer an acceptable gasket. The welded gasket construction transfer a large proportion of the “operator skill” to sophisticated and consistent machine process offering undeviating quality.